Cross Country
Cross Country is a pure and ancient sport. Natural terrain. No equipment. No plays. No buildings. No bleachers. No referees. No cheerleaders. No publicity. The race starts, and then it ends. Between the start line and the finish line exists an objective test of one’s physical, mental, and psychological strength based on preparation, talent, health, concentration, and determination. Who is the fastest long-distance runner?
My legs felt like rubber and my lungs were exploding in their effort to get more oxygen as I crossed the finish line with relief and stumbled forward through the chute of flags. It was […]
The Hyperion
I held up the soggy notes with my numb fingers and read them again. My neck hurt from gazing upwards, into the canopy of branches hundreds of feet above my head. I was drenched from head to foot, as the drizzle continued to come down from the dark sky. I desperately thought, “This might be the one!” but I had a feeling in my gut that this was not the one. It lacked the downed tree running in front of the tree trunk. This was not the right tree. I circled the one-mile loop again, approaching this section of terrain […]
The Wolf
Give me four hours of free time and I am going to make the most of it. I was in Sequim, Washington, for a pastors’ conference at a church at the end of Kitchen-Dick Road. We had free time from 1-4 p.m. and I had brought along my mountain bike for this very reason. Sequim is adjacent to the Olympic National Forest, with its rainforests, glaciated mountains, rivers, and a wild undeveloped beauty that is unmatched. Norm who was our church administrator and a Marine had brought his bike as well.
I had done some research on hiking and biking trails […]
Election Conflicts
Are you tired of seeing people hating on each other over political differences? Are those conversations productive, constructive, or redemptive, in any way?
Sleeping In
“I thirst.”
John 19:28
My alarm clock does not ring. I wake up from a deep sleep, suddenly and with panic. I look at my clock and realize that I should have left my home an hour ago. I NEVER sleep in, except this day. I have a plane to catch and now I do not know if I will make it. I curse myself, grab my duffle bag, which is filled with a dozen empty water bottles, my racing flats, toiletries, sweats, and my running clothes. I hurriedly kiss my wife goodbye, jump into my truck, and begin the […]