Election Reflection
Hello friends!
With election day upon us, I wanted to say a few things prior to the finalization of the voting.
#1: Thank you to everyone who has expressed love, offered support, given time, money and prayers. I cannot describe how humbled and grateful Heidi and I feel about each one of you. (And if you are a friend but haven’t been involved, we love you as well!)
#2: Keep dreaming big in your own life. Every big dream requires a big risk. Taking the risk is the first step and is admirable. Success takes […]
Advent Encounter
Heidi and I have just published a Christmas Devotional entitled Advent Encounter (Ingram-Sparks). This devotional is made for personal use, small groups and as a family devotional. It will be released on November 1St and can be ordered now at Amazon.com.
Matt and Heidi are pastors in Eureka, California (www.eurekafaithcenter.org). Heidi is running for mayor and is currently serving on the city council.
Through the tradition of Advent this devotional will help you unplug from all the bustle and experience your own Advent Encounter. Each chapter features a weekly devotional reading, a video, Scripture reading, candle lighting, prayer and discussion questions. This […]