The God Who Sees You
Read Genesis 16:1-13 and 21:8-20
When have you grown impatient waiting for God’s provision?
What challenges do blended families face, based on your experiences? What can be done to make things work in those situations?
Describe a time when you had to flee from a situation? (a job, a relationships, or a dangerous circumstance). Do you feel like God met you there?
List any stressful or hopeless situations you are facing by completing this sentence:
God sees ________________________.
Read Romans 8:31-39
Based on God’s response to Hagar, pray for hope in the face of hopelessness, patience when feeling impatient, provision where there isn’t […]
The Power of the Presence
This sermon is an overview of the purpose and meaning of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is essential in the life of a Christian. Please share this post if it is helpful to you.
- What has been your experience with the Holy Spirit? (past church traditions, camps, personal experience). What was good and what was bad?
- Read Acts 1:4-9. What is the purpose of the coming of the Holy Spirit?
- Who can receive the […]
When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat.
Thank you New Life Church for your generosity towards missions. We recently were able to send food to this drought stricken part of Kenya, and lives have been saved. We are thankful to be able to partner with Imani Collective in managing and distributing this help.
When Not Enough Becomes More Than Enough
The feeding of the 5000 is the only “sign” that is found in all four Gospels. What makes this miracle so important? Here are my thoughts.
Water to Wine
Signs #1: Water to Wine
Full manuscript is here:
Small Group Questions:
Obedience calls us to seek life from the source, the One who is the Source of Life.
1. What does Jesus’ response to His mother reveal about His priorities and mission?
2. According to this passage, who was aware of the miracle? Who did it cause to believe? What surprises you about the response to the miracle most?
3. In what area of your life, do you most need to walk in obedience.
4. How has God been making all things new for you in the last week?
You might be wondering, “Who will win the Super Bowl?
Will it be the Eagles, or the Chiefs? Oddsmakers have a heyday with all kinds of predictions about the Superbowl and even the half-time show.
Most likely, there are greater uncertainties occupying your thoughts and impacting your emotions. The game is nice diversion, but there are greater things that keep people awake at night.
Financial Uncertainty
According to nearly every study on worry, money, the future, and job security are people’s BIGGEST worries. Right now in our area, many people are losing their jobs (Microsoft, […]