21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
As we begin the new year together, I want to invite you to join me in prayer, fasting and the intentional reading of God’s Word.
Most Christians practice some form of Spiritual Disciplines or Devotions. “Devotions” are not meant to be something we do as an obligation. Even the word “discipline” carries some negative connotation for most people. I used to feel like I had to do my devotions in order to please God. Yet how much is truly enough to qualify for giving God 100%? I always felt like I wasn’t doing enough, and my obligations and priorities were competing […]
A Leap of Faith
2022 was a pivotal and unforgettable year. Heidi and I knew that it was time to uproot and relocate our lives to be near our children for the next season of life. At the time of our decision, we had a great church, no grandkids, a beautiful house, many friends, and a community we loved.
It was a step of faith. With faith there is the fear of the uncertainty of the unknown. Yet through prayer and patient testing, we discern and test our feelings and decisions. For a while it was like standing at the open door of an airplane […]
Merry Christmas!
This year, following three candlelight services on the 23rd and the 24th of December, we offered “church at home” for New Life Church and anyone else who discovered our post.
It was a fun service that we recorded in someone’s living room. We wanted it to feel like Christmas morning at home. I hope you enjoyed it, and were inspired to worship Jesus because of it.
Candlelight Services – Watch Here – The Meaning of Christmas
Our Christmas Eve candlelight services at New Life Church in Everett, Washington. For Heidi and I, this was our first Christmas Eve Candlelight service. We invite you to watch this, and join us. Let us worship Jesus, and experience His transformational presence in our lives.
Physician, Heal Thyself
Yesterday I attended my first prayer gathering of pastors from the Everett area. It was refreshing, sincere, mutually supportive, and powerful. I plan to attend these gatherings in the future, whenever possible.
The Church has gone through a rough stretch during the past few years as politics and social issues have taken the forefront for many believers and differences have been elevated above the things that unite us. This has resulted in decline, division, and disenfranchisement, with many believers severing the essential connection with the Church. Research indicates that every major denomination in the United States is in a current trend […]
The Arrival of Peace
Yuletide anxiety and stress can quickly bury “good new, of great joy, for all people”. Next thing you know, you’re living the nightmare before Christmas.
Yet the story of the shepherds bring into focus the reality that peace isn’t found in circumstances, or places, but it is found in our hearts, because of The Prince of Peace.
You can also access our full manuscript HERE.