2503, 2022

The Best News!

March 25th, 2022|

What if today the war in Ukraine ended and peace was established?
What if today Covid disappeared, along with every possible variant?
I think we all would be pretty excited about this kind of good news!
My wife and I recently found out that we are going to grandparents of not just one granddaughter, but two before this year ends!! That is some great news that came to us.

But the best news of history is the euangellion (Gk), the “Gospel”, is that we can have peace with God, forgiveness, and life, because of the sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection.

We emphasize this message […]

1803, 2022

Life Update – Where we have been

March 18th, 2022|

It has been nearly two months since our last weekend at Faith Center, and I want to let you know what we have been up to, and what is next for us. In summary, we have been traveling and meeting with ministry friends (and family) to encourage and inspire one another.

Immediately following those services, we flew to Southern California where we met with Foursquare Leaders for the Regional Pastor’s training that took place near LAX.

After this, we went to Cannon Beach (Oregon) for a pastors retreat that was put on by Compassion First, an amazing organization that we have partnered […]

1607, 2021

Check out this review on Friendship Leadership

July 16th, 2021|

I just happened to be speaking on this topic this weekend coming up.
This article was just posted today on the book. God has amazing timing with things.
705, 2021

Ascend – The podcast has started!

May 7th, 2021|

Today I started recording readings from Ascend – Inspiration for the Adventure of Life. Two episodes are now available.

With each episode, I will be adding some commentary to the chapter readings. I will end up doing readings that cover 1/3 of the book.

In the near future, Ascend will also be available on Audible as an audiobook.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions.

Please subscribe on Spotify. I plan to release two episodes each week for the next ten weeks or so.

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