Ascend: Inspiration for the Adventure of Life
Ascend (WestBow Press) was published March 31, 2021.
“We were created to live lives of adventure. I believe that my stories will resonate with your own, motivating you to greater things, and a deeper faith.” – Matt Messner
This book is a compilation of true adventure stories, each with a life-lesson. The settings include mountain climbing, marathon running, cave exploration, travel, surfing, and competition. There are stories of disappointments and successes. Each has a powerful life-lesson that will resonate with the reader’s journey.
“This book is the closest thing in form to a kind of modern […]
The Tomb and Burial (Friday)
The Tomb and Burial
Matt Messner Luke 23:50-54
Jesus was dead. It seemed impossible. No one expected this. Jesus…executed? Relief.
He was innocent, pure, and so loving. But it looks like evil has won.
There is the overwhelming SHOCK of grief. Jesus had brought people back from death, and now He was dead? 33 years old – so young. The Roman machine had brutally taken another life.
What was there to do now? They had been so close to establishing a new kingdom of peace, but now His followers were hiding, fearing prosecution.
The Romans preferred to leave the crucified criminals on crosses, to rot, and […]
Ascend: Now Available!
The Kindle version will be released shortly. Amazon also has yet to upload the cover photo, but the publisher is selling the book in paperback and hard-copy.
“Ascend” is about to be released!
Just a heads up…my book is about to go to print and will soon be released on Amazon and other publication outlets. I am really excited about it and will get you all the details once everything is finalized. I plan to have an official release event sometime during the next few weeks. I am really happy with the way this has turned out and will keep you posted.
End of the Season, and publishing soon.
Less than a week ago, we finished our cross country season, and it ended with a very wet, muddy, and challenging finish.
Our course was at the Eureka Municipal Golf Course, and it rained hard. We had some amazing runs at the JV level, and then with Varsity we were second place in both boys and girls. On the boys side we had 4 of the top seven finishers, including the runner up, Ian Bennett. We narrowly missed winning the team competition – congrats to Fortuna for just edging us out with some great efforts!!
You may be wondering […]
Creatures of Habit
“We are, all of us, creatures of habit.” – Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bad habits are difficult to break and new, healthy habits are not easy to establish.
Studies show that It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. If an experience is pleasurable, the habit is more quickly established. If something takes tremendous effort, it takes more time.
During this past year, all of us established new habits while breaking old routines. Now, we put on masks and sanitize our […]