We know that we are better together, yet being in relationships also brings conflict. Because of sin, we hurt each other. Jesus calls us to be proactive peacemakers. Scripture tells us, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with all people.” (Romans 12:18). We are to love our neighbors, our enemies, and those who challenge us. We are to bless those who curse us and to pray for those who oppose us. These commands are not easy, but they are essential to making Jesus known through our lives.

Discussion Questions

Navigating Difficult Relationships: In what areas of life – work, school, family, or church — do you find relationships most challenging? Why do you think that is?

Consider the story of Joseph. Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

What can we learn from Joseph’s story, about forgiveness and restoration? How can you apply his perspective in your own relationships?

Loving as Jesus Loves: Read Matthew 5:38-48

What stands out to you most in this passage? How can you apply these teachings in the relationships in your life?

In what ways do you struggle to apply these words from Jesus?

Learn to love as God loves.

When we know we are loved, we can love others. How would you describe God’s love for you?
When we know we are forgiven, we can forgive others. How has experiencing God’s forgiveness shaped your ability to forgive others?
To the degree that we have received grace, we can give grace to others. How have you experienced His grace?
What practical steps can you take to show more love, forgiveness, and grace to others this week?