Today I was informed that as a high school cross country coach, the kids are not allowed to run together until further notice. This is difficult news because the health issue isn’t just Covid-19. It’s physical, mental, and emotional health. These kids are starving for things to do and for purpose, camaraderie and support.
I am not pretending to know what is best – I just know that these are difficult times and I hope that we make decisions that are best and wise for the next generation.
We live in a rural community but the rollbacks continue within our contentious society. Keep it all in prayer and be a positive voice even if you are frustrated.
Runners & Parents:
Two important announcements:
1.We cannot meet to train together until further notice. Yesterday, the California Department of Public Health mandated that all youth sports activities are suspended until further notice, including group practice and conditioning. This came to me from our Principal, Jennifer Johnson, but included the mandate from our County Health Officer, citing the state mandate. I inquired further and it seems as though there is no allowance for us to meet to run together, in spite of the fact that we are outdoors and a “no contact” sport. I am probably as disappointed as you are to receive this news. I am still hopeful that there will be a season this school year.
2. By July 20th, the CIF (California Interscholastic Federation) will announce when our season will take place and what it will most likely look like. This announcement will give us a framework to work within and plan towards. I am not sure if we will have a “late” season, or a local season. I will let you know what I find out. This announcement will take place during the next four days.
Let’s try to stay positive (No BCD). There is too much negativity already. Keep running and do it for your own benefit, mentally, physically and emotionally. For questions or more information, please call Humboldt County Public Health at 445-6200.
I think every one of you is amazing and I will miss being able to coach you until I am allowed to do so again,
Coach Matt Messner